Monday, August 20, 2018

My Year of Living Productively

I just had another birthday recently, and I've moved into the latter half of my 40's.  On the one hand, I feel okay about where I am in life--two great kids, a relationship that has stood the test of time, and a career I enjoy.  I have an advanced degree, and had a first career that I also really enjoyed.  I learned a language after I turned 40 (Spanish), achieved a respectable level of proficiency, and have worked in it professionally for about five years.  I am currently learning another language (French). 

But still, things aren't exactly where I want them to be.  There are some other things that I want to do, that nip at the edge of my subconscious like annoying little dogs.  For many years, I have pushed them back, waiting for the "right" time--when I was a bit more settled, my kids a bit older, when I had more time.  Of course, that time has never come.  And here I am, entering my late 40's.  If not now, when?

So I am going to dedicate this year to living productively. . .to simply showing up, and putting the time in where I can.  Regularly.  Steadily.  It will be a year of living like a tortoise (slowly, methodically) and seeing what happens.  I don't have a million hours to devote to my projects.  This will be a year of just chipping away, bit by bit, where I can do so.  

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