Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mission Accomplished

The movers came today and packed all of our stuff.  It took them all day.  We have too much stuff, but we'll donate a lot of it down there, so I'm okay with that.  But yeesh, it took forever to pack, and I had it all organized.

It was Miss M's last day of school, too, but I could not drop her off, because I was waiting for the movers, and I could not go to pick her up, because I was still dealing with the movers.  I am so sad about that.  I wrote nice cards to her teachers and gave them Amazon gift certificates.  T delivered them when he picked her up.  I hope that was the right thing to do.  Preschool etiquette is lost on me.  They gave us an awesome binder of Miss M's year, full of pictures and her art and little headings with descriptions.  It is super cute.  I feel so bad I didn't get to say goodbye to her teachers.  They were so kind to us.  It's probably better, because I definitely would have cried.  I hate endings.

We leave here in a few days.  I'm exhausted from the social engagements and the packing, and I'm sad about leaving our friends.  Argh...endings beget beginnings, which I love, but they sure are hard.

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