Friday, August 29, 2014

Which Vacation Would You Choose?

In the midst of all of the new-job-finding-stress, I find myself in need of a vacation.  Oh sure, vacations are not really vacations any more, not with a two year old and a four year old running around.  No more lazing by the pool or mornings sleeping in or day drinking for us!  But we've found that action-packed adventure actually suits our curious little ones.  As long as we keep things moving, build in time for naps, and plan for some swimming-in-the-pool time, it seems to work out pretty well.  They both are pretty amazing on airplanes now:  they buckle themselves in and settle right down with their respective Leap Pads and the bag full of activities I always bring.

So, I've been thinking about a trip.  I'd love to go to the Galapagos or to Machu Picchu, which are both relatively close to hear, maybe early in 2015.  I'm having trouble deciding.  We'd definitely do a land-based Galapagos trip, maybe visiting only one or two islands.  Given that I have a pile of frequent flier miles, neither trip is cost-prohibitive, so I don't look at it as some sort of once-in-a-lifetime trip that I wouldn't repeat, so it doesn't bother me that we might miss out on a bunch of stuff on a land-based tour.  I'd just like to experience SOME of it at this point, and I think the kids would get a kick out of the animals.  Plus, we have friends we could stop over with on the way there, and then other friends we could visit on the way back, if we route the flights correctly.  Machu Picchu, on the other hand, has parts that I think would be interesting for my kids (they'll be about 3 and 5 by the time I'm thinking of traveling in early 2015).  But, it also has parts they aren't going to care about.



Hope4babyover40 said...

Oh no! It's neck and neck on the voting! You're going to have to make the tough decision I think...
Happy travels wherever you go!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I went with Galapagos mostly because based on what I know about the Galapagos, it sounds like the easier option, physically, for kids. But both sound fabulous. But really, take me with you. Take me as an extra kid. :-)

Heather said...

Good luck wherever you decide to go! Have lots of fun!