Monday, March 2, 2015

#MicroblogMonday: Decisions, Decisions. . .

We've been hemming and hawing a lot over the school decisions for next year.  We'll be heading back to the US this summer, and really want the kids to maintain the Spanish that they've developed since they've been here.  They have come so far, and I really, really want them to have the benefit of being bilingual.  I talked with Miss M's teacher at a parent-teacher conference this week, and she says that Miss M has a pretty good level, compared to the local kids.  She says her vocabulary isn't quite as large as the "native" speakers, and she sometimes makes up words, but she has a really good accent and a pretty good ability.  Sometimes I make up Spanish words, too, and I don't have the great accent she has.  :)  Her teacher thinks she'll be able to pass an entrance exam, if she needs to.

We have a number of bilingual school options in the city we are moving to, but since we are not there to actually go and visit the schools, it has taken a LOT of research and a LOT of soul-searching to figure out what was right.  Especially since we have to lottery into most of the schools we are looking at, in order to secure a place.  It was so incredibly hard to sort out what was right, and especially hard because we were doing it for both Miss M and SB.

As of today, we've finalized our lottery list.  It's submitted.  We did the best job we could.  Now, we jut have to hope it all works out in the end.

Okay, that wasn't all that short.  :0


JustHeather said...

Good luck with heading back to the US and school! I wouldn't even know where to start...I am quite sure that there wouldn't be a Finnish language school anywhere in the US :)

Jane said...

Sounds like things are coming together for you - at least in terms of what you can do to make the move happen in the way you want it to!

And I'm very jealous that you have a few Spanish bilingual options in your school system. We're also looking at school systems where we might be moving (suburbs instead of a city) and I don't think my kids will be able to keep up the Chinese they've started here ...

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Crossing fingers that you get one of the schools you want.