Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Beauty of City Living

When we lived in the U.S., we lived in a pretty rural area, so it wasn't possible to have groceries delivered. This made the holiday time a bit more hectic, because invariably I would forget items and have to drive 20 minutes to the closest store to get them. Can I tell you how much I enjoy having a small but well-stocked grocery within walking distance, for those last-minute emergencies? Can I tell you how even more, I enjoy grocery delivery? We used to do it when we lived in Boston in a third floor walkup and didn't have a car. I've missed it since then. But here, we have it again, and I love it. I was able to plan out all of my holiday menus and order all of the ingredients online. Since T. is home during the day, he waits for the delivery, and then puts them away before I get home from work. It's so much less hectic than tromping around the supermarket myself, looking for the right ingredients.

Even better, we discovered a company that delivers organic produce. They do mixed boxes every week for a surprisingly low price. You can go online before your delivery and see what you're getting, so if you don't like something, you can substitute. Occasionally it's a little wonky--they sent me persimmons last week instead of the bananas I was supposed to get. But, because they send it, I try new stuff, which was kind of the point in doing it. T. doesn't push veggies on Miss M the way I wish he did (because he doesn't like them himself), and I don't want her to have his eating habits. This is my way of ensuring there is always healthy food in the house, and a good selection of it. Case in point: yesterday after swim lessons he took her to McDonald's as a "prize" for swimming under water 4 times (which, by the way: totally awesome!). I had to point out to him that we don't want to make bad food a "reward," as that's not a lesson we want to impart. So anyway, the organic veggies. . .we're trying lots of new stuff, we always have food on hand, it's no work for me, and it's inexpensive. What's not to love?

But it gets better. The organic veggie company delivers fruit and organic meats, cheese and other dairy, baked goods, baby food, and so much more. I ordered a cool bread making kit, the most amazing organic filet mignon, handmade chocolate truffles, etc. And they just appear on my doorstep once a week! It's simply brilliant. It's made my life easier in a small but very good way. I'm eating more produce as a result, as is Miss M (and even T., because I'm slipping them into delicious soups!!!).

So, as the week winds down and I wonder how I'll manage to wrap all the presents, I am feeling confident that my grocery shopping is at least all done and I'll be ready to start cooking this weekend when I'm ready. All my presents are bought. Menus are worked out. Mostly, my work is done, and I can just enjoy the holiday. Happiness!

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