Monday, July 27, 2009

Unexpected Moments

The last few years have taught me so many things: that I shouldn't expect anything, because I am so often wrong; that things don't always go the way we plan, despite all of our thought and preparation and desires; that people who should understand sometimes don't; and that comfort and strength often come from unexpected sources. So perhaps the big reveal at work today shouldn't have been so surprising, but it was.

The response I got was overwhelmingly positive, with lots of hugs, tears, and screaming. The HR person actually made ME cry, when I told her that it had been a long road, and she told me that she understood, because she herself had never quite managed to get to where I am. As her eyes welled up, I felt so sad for her. She so totally got it, and was so supportive of whatever amount of leave I want to take. As it turns out, I might be able to take additional unpaid leave on top of my paid leave, but I still need to sort all of that out.

The head of my division was genuinely thrilled for me, too--really, really excited. And the male supervisor that I was dreading telling, the one who I thought really wouldn't get it? He was in tears when I told him.


VA Blondie said...

So glad that the reveal went well. It does sort of feel like you are stepping into the unknown when you tell people.

Bluebird said...

Oh my goodness! That made me tear up to read. So glad it went to (unexpectedly) well. Yay :)

Eb said...

wow, that is so cool. Amazing how we are so enured to the battle that these moments are a surprise!

Unknown said...

Great that they were supportive!

Jamie said...

What a relief! I am glad things went MORE than well.