Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And even more good news!

I haven't blogged about it in a while, but I'm still pursuing that job that I really want. It has been sloooow going, but I just learned that I've made it to the next level. I am really excited about this. Of everything I've been considering doing next, it is the only job that I am excited about.

Unfortunately, there is another lag from here. I will need to travel out of state for an interview, and the interview won't be until late summer or so. So exciting to know that it's progressing, though. What a great day today has been!


VA Blondie said...

How exciting for you! Keeping my fingers crossed for you for the job! Glad to hear that baby stuff is going well, too. I just realized that our due dates are very similar. I am mid January, as well! Too cool!

Jamie said...

Woo-hoo! I'm happy to hear The Year of Queenie has begun . . . it has been a long time coming.