After weeks of agonizing over which digital camera to buy, I just bought myself this:

And, in need of something to inspire me onward professionally, this:

And, in need of something to inspire me onward with this crazy TTC journey, this:

Ama.zon is like a whole new level of therapy inside my computer.
Want to see what everyone else in the class is showing this week? Head on over to Stirrup Queens and check it out.
Gotta love Amazon. All the shopping therapy you need, and you never need to go anywhere! It comes to you!
A great selection of therapeutical items!
I am so sorry about your loss. That, plus waiting for the results AND a major outlay of cash, well, no wonder you need a distraction.
May the coming week be very good to you.
Amazon is one of my favorite shopping sites EVER...and books are my favorite 'hobby' EVER. Whatever helps you get through the day, I say.
There is something to be said for retail therapy.
I'm glad you finally got a new camera! I know you have been thinking about it for a while. You'll really like the Canon. I might have to head over to Amazon myself . . . I'm starting to get camera envy . . .
Great camera and love the book choices.
I love Amazon therapy. My mom works there, so she is always coming over saying, "you know what Amazon has NOW?" Pretty soon we might be able to order donor eggs or HCG shots, right?
Gotta love Amazon! That is a great camera!
I'm sorry that you are going through such a hard time right now.
That's a great little camera! I do photography on the side for a biz, and I like to carry a little Canon like this around for 'field trips' as opposed to my big fancy, bulky ones!
Great book choices!
Nothing like retail therapy!!
Yes - Amazon is the new Spa..for me anyway as the old spa never quite did it.
So very sorry for your loss - thinking of you.
Sometimes being a grown up sucks! I hope your week is filled with peace for you. Great buys, I hope you enjoy them!
I love amazon. Those are all great choices. Hope you enjoy the camera.
I'm sorry again about your kitty.
Thumbs Up for Retail is such a stress-buster...I do not shop online, but I am glad that you have such a good option through Amazon.
Digital Camera? I have been also wanting to buy one...for a long time now. I just don't what does not make me go get one, since I love taking pictures....
Enjoy the camera (should result in some good fodder for future Show & Tells!).
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