Sunday, April 13, 2008

The World Is My Oyster, And My Oyster Is On The Ceiling

With this cycle a bust, we will only be actively trying for the next two months. If that doesn't work we will take July-September off, because I will be busy with the Big Project all fall and it just won't work out then. Since my chances of getting pregnant in two cycles are probably equivalent to the chances that the Shrub presidency will be looked upon favorably by future generations, I've realized that I better get busy with Borneo.

We bought this map a while ago, before we discovered that we might actually be able to travel THIS YEAR. We've been talking about an extended trip for years. The idea was that we'd buy the map, highlight places on it that sounded interesting, and start planning for the trip that we'd take. . .eventually. Needless to say, the map has been stuck in a closet ever since, but today I installed it in a much-revered place where it will allow me to multitask: above our bed. I even bought glittery stickers for the places that intrigue us. Hmmm. . .things above the bed seems more festive than things below the map.


Jamie said...

I was just telling my husband today that we need an ADVENTURE. I am so tired of planning my life around, "But what if I'm pregnant?"

Maybe I'll go map shopping tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

That is a perfect place for a map! An Adventure may be the perfect distraction and relaxation technique to sooth the mental pressure of baby making!