Friday, July 1, 2011

Pregnancy the 4th?

This is going to be waaaay too much information for anyone with a weak stomach, but I need to get this down so that I don't forget it, and this is the space where I keep track of these things. So without further ado. . .

T. and I usually walk 3 miles at night before dinner. It's really nice to spend that time together. Miss M chills in the stroller, and we walk and talk about the events of the day. There are no distractions, so it's a really good to connect. Two nights ago, the day that I'd had pink good spotting in the morning, I started cramping after our walk. A bit later, I started having a fair amount of bright red spotting. In the middle of the night, it was quite heavy, like my period had started. The next morning (yesterday), it was also quite heavy and bright red. After I had a bowel movement, the entire toilet was full of bright red blood. And then, nothing. No more spotting all day. Last night, we did our usual walk and I had some cramping. I drank a bunch of fluid, and it stopped, but I did have a bit of pink spotting. This morning, all I have seen is a bit of brown, but hardly any.

I tested again this morning, and the line is definitely much darker than yesterday, so I think we are heading in the right direction. This is my fourth pregnancy. With the last chemical pregnancy that I had, the tests got progressively lighter as the spotting went on. I have to say, I've never experienced bright red bleeding with any of my previous pregnancies, so I don't know what that's about.

When I said in my last post that I was worried about ectopic, it's because it's one of the possibilities when you are talking about a positive pregnancy test plus bleeding. But, I'm not in any pain, and since today is only CD28, it's too early for them to see/diagnose an ectopic, so I'm not going to head to the doctor yet. Experience has taught me that the doctor's advice will probably just be to take it easy, drink plenty of fluids, and wait. And since I have to pay out of pocket and get reimbursed, and it's sooo early still, I'm going to wait and see how things go. Since the walking seems to bring on the cramping, I'll probably skip the walk today. One thing I WILL do is call for the progesterone today.


Heather said...

Yes, call for progesterone. I know I've always had issues with my PG levels. Wow! It's officially it. Lots and lots of luck and you'll be in my prayers! I think you had implantation bleeding.

JJ said...

Hoping all is OK-sending you lots of GOOD thoughts!

Carlita said...

Wow! Sounds like great news (and implantation bleeding). Good thoughts for a smooth pregnancy!!!!!

Gina said...

I am so excited for you!!!

Jessica White said...

Definitely get on the progesterone:-)
I'd say it still sounds hopeful though *hugs*