Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Boring Information About My Ovaries

They are both killing me, and I finally got a positve test for ovulation this morning. Today is CD16, which means that things worked exactly the same way this month as they did last month, when I wasn't using the Clo.mid. I did get a nice, strong line this morning on the test. . .but I did last month, too. I think my ovaries feel a little more uncomfortable than they did last month, but that's kind of hard to gauge. So, I'm not sure the Clo.mid that I've been on this month (50mg for anyone new who is arriving via IComLeavWe, taken CD5-9) made much of a difference, but who knows. The Sexathon is getting a bit tedious. Why is it that we always want whatever we can't have? If you're not having sex, it's all you want; if you're having sex on command, it can seem so unfun.


Ashley said...

Just think, when you get pregnant not only will you not want to have sex, but you won't have to! It's something to hold out for, at least.

Good luck!

Nit said...

I agree! There's nothing worse than pure-babymaking sex! But the pp has a good point! :)

sara said...

I remember not wanting to do it when I had to and then when I was on pregnancy bedrest all I wanted to do was to "do it" and I couldn't. How bizarre, huh?


Anonymous said...

I totally get the 'always want what you can't have' thing, for me it's the same with dieting - if I can't have a food, I crave it (even if I don't like the food in the first place)!


K said...

I agree, things seems to balance out.

Jamie said...

Sex on demand can definitely get old. Funny, I never would have believed it before.

Even if you still O'd on CD 16, hopefully it's a bigger, stronger eggie just begging to be fertilized.

Io said...

Maybe you can spice it up a bit to get through. Do something you wouldn't normally do.